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Monsanto primé pour son lobbying intensif

Salve d’applaudissements au Klimaforum, l’espace alternatif du sommet de Copenhague, ce 15 décembre : la multinationale états-unienne Monsanto, spécialisée dans les pesticides et les OGM, se voit remettre le prix du pire lobbying climatique à  Copenhague, prix poétiquement dénommé la…


L’expansion des cultures de coton transgénique fait débat

Le Burkina Faso compte étendre ses cultures de coton transgénique pour la saison 2009-2010. L'annonce inquiète certaines ONG, qui craignent notamment que les agriculteurs deviennent dépendants du producteur de semences Monsanto. Le Burkina Faso compte ensemencer en 2009-2010 plus de…


U.S.-African Partnership Developing Drought-Tolerant Maize

Biotechnology is a key component of a public-private partnership that could save millions of lives by developing drought-tolerant maize for small-scale farming operations in sub-Saharan Africa. More than 300 million Africans depend on maize as their main food source. The…


Monsanto launches anti-child labour project in Gujarat

Monsanto, a global agricultural products company, has successfully implemented anti-child labour programmes in Gujarat, said a top company official here Thursday.“We have pledged over Rs.110 million for the programme from 2006 till date,” Monsanto India senior manager-public affairs Christopher Samuel…


Biotech giants demand a high price for saving the planet

Giant biotech companies are privatising the world's protection against climate change by filing hundreds of monopoly patents on genes that help crops resist it, a new investigation has concluded. The study — by the authoritative Action Group on Erosion, Technology…


Child bondage continues in Indian cotton supply chain

More than 416.000 children under the age of 18, of which almost 225.000 younger than 14, are involved in (often bonded) child labour in India’s cottonseed fields. Most of them are girls. They work in the states of Andhra Pradesh,…

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