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Latest Cola Wars Skirmish: Battle for the Greenest Vending Machines

090402_fridg.jpgVending machine purchases often elicit feelings of guilt about the sugar and fat contents of soda and candy, but rarely about the greenhouse gas emissions of the machine itself. Soda vendors know, though, that their machines use hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)–potent greenhouse gases with atmospheric lifetimes as long as 260 years–to keep drinks cool. PepsiCo has finally caved into pressure to stop using the toxic gases, and is spearheading an effort to replace HFCs in vending machines with compressed carbon dioxide. According to Robert Lewis, Pepsi’s Vice President of Packaging and Equipment Development, the CO2-cooled machines use 5.09 kilowatt-hours of energy per day, or 15% less than current vending machines. Pepsi’s new machines also emit 12% less greenhouse gas. Image source: > Continue.

News selected by Covalence | Country: Global | Company: Coca-Cola Co., PepsiCo | Source: Fast Company

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